Shop Zapp-Safe!!

Shop Zapp-Safe!!

Hi Folks!

Hope everyone had a great and safe week!

I just want to touch on an especially important point for us at Zapp - SECURITY!!

From day 1 of our business, we always thought about protecting the data of our customers and providing a secure environment for all transactions on our website. Our IT folks in the office, together with our shopping platform and webhosting company, have been working hard to provide a safe environment to everyone.

That said, last week we took security to the next level!!! We have signed an agreement and hired the services from Trusted Site and McAfee so we could add an extra layer of security. As our business and brand continue to experience high growth, we want to grow in the right way!!

Finally, I want to announce that we will start a big promotion on AirPod Cases in May, as well as some great prices across the board for Mothers Day!!

It can’t get better than that, right?

Enjoy your weekend and shop Zapp-safe!!!!

Nick, Zapp Partner and Chief Everything Officer

April 30, 2021 — Nick Batista
Zapp Loves Giving Back

Zapp Loves Giving Back

Hi folks!!

 As we have mentioned in our FAQ page, we believe in Giving Back! That is in our DNA.

Since we launched our business, we have been donating to a few charity organizations! We usually rotate and change, about every quarter, the organizations that we contribute to. That said, we have a few areas that we feel strongly about, and we have been keeping our Giving Back initiatives focused on the following causes:

  • Children and Youth 
  • Environment
  • Stop Racism
  • Health

With this initiative, we donate $0.50 for every order that we have in our store. It seems low, but when you add thousands of orders, it adds up quite quickly, which is nice!!!

We also know that a lot of our customers feel the same about helping other people and they want to make a difference in the world! So we also give you, as a customer, an opportunity to donate - you will see a box in the shopping cart to either round up your order or donate a specific amount. You don't need to so, but we strongly encourage you! This is what life is about! We always need to think about a bigger purpose!

In this context, this month we have the “Earth Day”. In fact, it is tomorrow – April 22nd. So from today to the end of the month, we will have our Giving Back initiative to support the Earth Day Organization. You can check their website at, but in a nutshell:

EARTHDAY.ORG’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. Growing out of the first Earth Day in 1970, EARTHDAY.ORG is the world’s largest recruiter to the environmental movement, working with more than 75,000 partners in over 192 countries to drive positive action for our planet.

Anyway, I hope that we can motivate and inspire you to also Give Back! Believe me, that will make a huge difference to a lot of people and the world and will also transform you and bring a good feeling to your heart!!


Have a Zapp-Awesome Day!


Vini, Partner and Chief Stuff Officer

Zapp Accessories

April 21, 2021 — Nick Batista
Be Safe, Be Cool, Be Zapp!

Be Safe, Be Cool, Be Zapp!

Hi Folks!

As we go through this pandemic, we have been learning how to work, study and live our lives in so many ways.

One thing that has become increasingly important is our own personal care, including the use of hand sanitizers, masks, and the cleaning of personal belongings.

On a personal note, I don’t know how much you use and touch your phones every single day. In my case, I take it everywhere. I mean, everywhere. Literally! And I am sure I am not alone! According to researchers (please feel free to google it), an average phone user can touch his/her phone between 2,000 and 3,000 times a day!! Yup, I know! I couldn’t believe it, but it is true!!

Anyway, in our office at Zapp, we are always taking all precautions! That includes using UV Charging Stations! These charging stations are AWESOME! It can recharge your phone and kill all germs in about 6 minutes! How cool…and safe…is that?

Anyway, my tip of the week here, for all our Zapp customers and friends, is to be safe, be cool, and get one of those charging stations! We have them at special price now, and we have dozens of different cool models and colours!

Enjoy your week!

Be safe, be cool, be Zapp!!!!

Vini, Partner and Chief Stuff Officer


April 01, 2021 — Nick
Hello - Motivational Series

Hello - Motivational Series

Hello Folks!

I usually start the week quite pumped!

There is so much for us to do and time is so short!

This week we launched our "Motivational Series" videos on Instagram (you can check here)! That says a lot about our Zapp culture here in the office (or at our Home Office these days). We love seeing our teams motivated! We work hard, we play hard and have fun!

As you will see in our video on Instagram, the quote of the week is:

"Remember that your greatest talent is so much more powerful than your biggest fear!" (from Robin Sharma)

Finally, linked with this video and quote, I want to share one of our coolest iPad skin below, with the beautiful quote "Never Give Up"!

Have a Zapp-Awesome Week!

Nick, Zapp Partner and Chief Everything Officer

March 29, 2021 — Nick